New cash, check or donations are considered new donations and we’re sharing a few ways to enter these new donations into Dime Giving.
The first way is to click on "Donations" and then click "New". When you do this, you have to assume that you're setting up a new donor altogether.
If there's a possibility that the donor has given in the past, then follow the steps below.
Step 1
Click on "All Contacts" then start typing the donor's name in the search box. When you find the matching donor, click "Add donation". This will take you to a pre-filled donation screen ready for you to enter the new donation.
Step 2
Update any of the donor's information:
Enter the "Check Date" in the required date field
Enter the "Deposit Date" if necessary, in the corresponding field
Enter the Amount and choose the designation. If there is no specific designation on the check or envelope, then choose "General" as the designation
Choose the payment method. If you choose Check, you'll then be required to enter a check number and a check date
Use the "Memo" box to enter any additional information you might have about the donation
Check the box if you want to email a receipt to the donor, and then click "Save and New"