Oct 9, 2019

Donation Splits

Now you can split donations across multiple gift designations. No more recording multiple donations when a donor wants to split a single gift across multiple purposes - now you can simply add more lines.

The splits now appear on the donation receipt.

If the donor logs in to view their giving history they'll see a similar receipt. Note that the donor can't see any memo or description that you enter - that's only viewable by the admin.

If you choose "send receipt email" when you enter the donation, the donor will receive a receipt via email.
Here's what the email receipt will look like:


The "All Donations" report now displays the list of individual donation splits. If a donation is split between two or more gift designations, each split will show as a separate line on the report, but the "Number" will be the same. Clicking on any of the lines will take you to that donation.

Filtering by Gift Designation

You can filter by Gift Designation, just as before. Selecting a designation from the drop-down menu will update the report to show only the splits with that gift designation.


You can export the currently selected report by clicking on "Export CSV" at the top of the screen. Any filters that you've applied - gift designation, date range, etc. - will also be applied to the export.


The "Import" feature continues to work exactly as it did before. At this time it's only possible to import donations with a single split.

Giving Statements

Giving statements now support split donations.

We've changed the layout of the statements to display more information on each page. Donations are now grouped under a heading by gift designation. For readability, if there are only a few lines, it will list one donation on each line. If there are more than 6 donations in that group, it will display them in a three-column layout to save space.